29. Losari Beach, South Sulawesi

Island Togean an island located in the district of Central Sulawesi Unauna Tojo. Togean enjoy the beauty of this island can be taken 2 hours by land to Poso district, precisely in Ampana. Then continued to travel by motor boat to the island Togean. You will find incredible natural beauty there, such as in the underwater beauty. Bolihutuo white sandy beaches and on the fence gentle pine trees towering shade is the most famous beach resorts in the province of Gorontalo. Every weekend, the beach is always crowded with local tourists sometimes look also foreign tourists who enjoy the beautiful views of the gulf coast beach ramps disepanjng Tomin. Losari is a tourist attraction in South Sulawesi, located in the city of Makassar, here we can enjoy traditional foods such as bananas Epe and enjoy the beach in the morning, afternoon, evening and night, pantasi Losari also has mosques floating and sculptures statue king of kings renowned in South Sulawesi such as the Sultan Hasanuddin sculptures, statues and other Palakka aru, pantasi Losari is also connected with other tourist attractions such as, Samalona Island, Pulau Kayangan, Lae-Lae Island, Merdeka Tanjung, Tanjung shadow. Cemetery Sultan Hasanuddin is the tomb of the tourist sites in South Sulawesi because here the kings who once ruled the kingdom of Gowa-Tallo like Immallombassi Dg.Matawang or are known worldwide as the Sultan Hasanuddin, and many more that kings are buried here. The tomb is located in Gowa.